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Written by Support Team
Updated over 5 months ago

Spintax serves as an efficient tool for email personalization and bypass spam filters, allowing for dynamic variations in content with simple syntax like {{random|Hello|Hey|Hi}}.

Additionally, Spintax allows fallback options when a dynamic variable is empty, using simple syntax like {{fallback|{{first_name}}|Sir}}.
This not only enhances the relevance of your emails but also significantly improves email deliverability.
​Spintax helps your emails bypass spam filters, ensuring better engagement with your audience.

Syntax Rules, Usage, and Limitations at

Random Spintax

Random spintax creates various text versions that are selected randomly, ensuring diversity in the content.

Basic Syntax:

- Initiate your spintax structure with:




Case Sensitivity and Whitespace:

- The term "random" is not case-sensitive.

Variations like "{{RANDOM|", "{{random|", or "{{rAnDoM|" are all acceptable.

- Spaces within options are preserved.

For instance, "| hello |" results in " hello ", maintaining the spaces.


- Including variables is possible and often helpful in tailoring emails.

Format: {{variable_name}}


{{random|Hello {{first_name}}|Hi there}}

Empty Alternatives:

- Spintax supports empty options, denoted by "||" within your sequence, creating a possibility for a segment of text to appear or be omitted.


{{random ||Hello}} could produce an empty string or "Hello"

Limitations and Best Practices:

1. Single Variable Constraint: - Only one variable is supported within a single spintax section. Including more will cause errors.

Non-working example:

{{random|Hello {{first_name}} {{last_name}}|Hi there}}

This structure is problematic because it tries to include more than one variable in a single section.

2. Whitespace Sensitivity:

- Be aware that spaces in options are not trimmed or ignored; they are part of the output. A common oversight is including unintentional spaces, which can disrupt the email's flow or aesthetic.

3. Empty String Representation:

- The "||" symbol is used intentionally to denote an empty option, allowing users the flexibility of including or omitting parts of the message.

This feature needs to be used consciously to prevent unexpected blanks in the final text.

Fallback Spintax

Fallback spintax ensures a default text option is used when dynamic variable is missing or empty.

Basic Syntax:

- Initiate your spintax structure with:




Case Sensitivity and Whitespace:

- The term "fallback" is not case-sensitive.

Variations like "{{FALLBACK|", "{{fallback|", or "{{fAlLbAcK|" are all acceptable.

- Spaces within fallback text are preserved.

Final Note

It's imperative to use the 'Preview Email' & 'Test Email' functions before finalizing or sending your actual campaign email.

This step ensures that your email's formatting is accurate and that you've adhered to the guidelines and constraints of spintax formatting.

Missteps in formatting can lead to errors or unintended email content, undermining the communication's professionalism and clarity.

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