How to sign up with

Here's how you create your account.

Yaro Y. avatar
Written by Yaro Y.
Updated over a week ago
  1. Click on Start Free Trial button on our website

2. You'll be prompted to sign up page where you will have 2 options to create your account.

Sign up with Google email:
Click on Sign In with Google and select Google email address which you want to use to create your workspace with
Once done, your account will be created and you can start using the tool. Easy!
​Sign up with email and password:

You will need to fill in the form providing the following data:

First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Specify Password for your account
Once you typed in your email address you will need to click Send Code button and check for One-Time Password we will send to the specified inbox. Please paste this password in the corresponding field of this form.
Please also accept our Teams and Privacy Policy.
Once you click Submit button, your account will be ready to use and you can start using the tool.

Stuck anywhere?
Drop us an email at [email protected]
​Also see:
​How can I create account?
​How to reset my password?

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